We would like to inform our partners on 2SCALE’s response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. From March 11th, we implemented the following key interventions:
- We will suspend any further international and regional travel by our team, and any domestic travel where national government policies prescribe so. This temporary suspension will help support current or emerging government restrictions within the countries where we work.
- We will coordinate and deliver work remotely for all teams located within countries under travel restrictions. Where possible we will utilize remote and creative approaches to deliver on our different partnerships.
Our collective actions now will determine the spread of COVID-19, and this recommendation is being made after careful deliberation and in consultation with governments and public health experts. We believe by taking these precautions, we can make a difference in helping to limit the pandemic. We recognize the gravity of these measures and are sensitive to the economic impact of such actions.
For the time being, these measures will apply until 11th of April 2020. We realize that these are far-reaching measures, but we are taking them to protect our global community. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
In case you have questions about this announcement, on the impact of COVID-19, on our role, the program and partnerships, please do not hesitate to contact our country team leaders directly, or our Program Director Henk van Duijn via hvanduijn@2scale.org.