In the soybean post-harvest system, grain storage is a critical phase. During this stage, it is essential that the dried produce is stored properly to guarantee the conservation of grain quality and nutritional value, reducing post-harvest losses commonly experienced at this phase. The control and monitoring of factors such as the moisture level of grains are essential in minimizing these losses. Another crucial factor in the storage phase is inventory control. Meticulous record-taking and tracking of grain stocks are essential for farmers and aggregators before storage.
According to World Food Programme, smallholder farmers in developing countries regularly lose up to 40 per cent of their harvest due to inadequate storage. Soybean smallholder farmers often lack the necessary knowledge and efficient grain storage equipment to handle grain storage as efficiently. Most methods they employ at the post-harvest stage are traditional and mainly unreliable.
2SCALE, through its partnerships with Prosoya and Equatorial Nut Processors in Kenya, facilitated the provision of digital weighing scales and moisture meters to soybean aggregators at the community level and training on how to use them. With the production of soybean in these partnerships increasing significantly, the introduction of these technologies at the local level was vital.
Farmers in the Prosoya partnership were supported with 20 moisture meters and 20 digital weighing scales. The Equatorial Nut Processors partnership procured 8 moisture meters and 8 digital weighing scales.