In October 2022, Faranaya launched a processing facility at its building complex in Garu, northern Ghana. The launch of the facility is the culmination of a long-held dream by the company to eventually venture into value addition of sorghum. Since its inception in 2010, Faranaya has strived to aggregate sorghum from farmers within the catchment area and support them in enhancing their productivity. This is done by facilitating access to inputs, credit and extension services to farmers with the costs being recovered at harvest. This is key because it develops loyalty and most importantly a trust relationship with the smallholder farmers.
Demand for sorghum has been growing steadily over the years in Ghana. Faranaya in recent years has become a major supplier to Guinness Ghana Limited (GGL), which needs sorghum for the manufacture of some of its products. Demand for household consumption has also been growing, prompting the need to increase production.
Our inspiration to venture into processing has always been there from the start of the partnership with 2SCALE. However, when covid hit and we could not sell off the raw produce based on our usual trend, we decided that it was time to accelerate the development of the processing plant. It also makes sense to us as a business because the more revenue streams you have, the more resilient the business is from external shocks. A key motivation from us was also our 2SCALE partnership counterparts in Kenya, Shalem who started out as an aggregator but grew into a large processor. This inspired us to know we can also do it,