80 km from the city of Sikasso, Kourouma is an agricultural production village with a great reputation. Cotton, rice, corn, bananas, and onions are the main crops grown. Soybeans were once grown, but only to a small extent, as they were produced mainly by women who transformed them into "soumbala", a condiment used in culinary recipes.
For nearly two years, soybean production has been growing in the village of Kourouma and its surroundings. At the beginning of 2020, in partnership with 2SCALE, Keitala Négoce engaged in an inclusive collaboration with soybean farmers. Ms. Dialia Keita is the promoter and CEO of this company, which specializes in seed production and processing of soybeans into various by-products. Oil, cake, infant flour, skewers, and pellets, to name a few, are the main soybean-based products developed by the company today.