In Burkina Faso, groundnuts still remain an important sector in the oilseeds sector as seen from the impressive gradual growth in production which increased from 244,922 in 2007 to 515,672 tons in 2016 and around 530,190 tons in 2019. Once the leading cash crop in Burkina Faso, groundnuts have gradually lost their place to other cottonseed and palm seed due to low competitiveness compared to the other edible crops as well as the fall in world prices, and especially contamination by aflatoxin.
Since 2012, Innofaso, a Burkinabé company based in Ouagadougou has been importing more than 400 tons of roasted peanuts per year from Argentina for the purposes of producing therapeutic food and preventing child malnutrition. Innofaso’s business idea is to fully replace its imports from Argentina by sourcing from small local farmers. However, it is faced with constraints related to the operationalization of this business idea because of the significant presence of aflatoxin in locally produced groundnuts, which creates a limitation in the sale of the finished products of the company.