In the heart of Ghana's Northeast region lies Nalerigu, a bustling town teeming with life amidst its semi-arid climate and flourishing agricultural landscape. Here, amidst the rhythm of subsistence farming and livestock rearing, Paulina Akabire's story emerges—a tale woven with threads of resilience, innovation, and the empowering essence of women's economic upliftment through collaborative alliances.
Paulina, a lady in her early forties, started her rice aggregation business in 2019 after several other business attempts in shea butter processing and groundnut farming failed. Despite facing market constraints and resource limitations, her spirit remained unbroken, fuelled by the belief in agriculture as a pathway to improved livelihood.
Determined to make a difference, Paulina carefully assessed her community's needs and identified rice as a pivotal staple in her community. Recognizing the potential in rice aggregation and processing, she embarked on a new venture, aiming to carve a niche for herself in this sector. However, challenges persisted, particularly in accessing markets, hindering her efforts to scale her business and expand its reach.